User Management System
User Management System is an authentication feature that enables an administrator with the functionality of managing the users in the network and their personal profiles.
It includes giving ability to the administrator to register users, manually log out users and control the applications they can access. A PHP + MySQLi powered PHP script built under the Codeigniter Framework.
The User Management System implements user profile management and classification for an organized management of the network.
Built with Codeigniter 3.x with HMVC architecture, the UMS provides a safe and secured user registration and login. With features like password reset, Avatar and logo upload, it makes personalization and profile creation easy and secure.
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The management of user profiles with information like name, identification number, email etc., can be managed by users. The system sends an automated email confirmation to users on successful registration with the network.
It enables the administrator to manage the existing users and invite new users to the network. The system provides the administrator, the flexibility, and control to manage the user types, permissions and also restrict Public User Registration.
The User Management system can be used as a base platform for any Codeigniter based web application.
Implementing the user Management system lets the administrator verify user permissions before granting access to registered members.
Monitoring the activities of all the users is possible with this system. It allows the implementation of authentication-based policies to enable greater security in the network.
The management system built using Admin LTE provides a secure gateway and authorization with a network. It provides a secure control over user activity with the logout capability.
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The user logout can be configured based on the user’s inactivity timeout. The system provides visibility of active users, user sessions and also get their data such as their profile, IP address and their session details as well.
The user management system is developed for the secure logging in and out of users from their network.
It provides great features for personal profile management, like setting the Display name, Profile picture, email etc. It comes with SMTP email setting. Users can also request for new password on losing their existing password, using the email template for forgot password.
The entire Project management of all the users in a business network can be managed with great ease and flexibility with the User Management System. It is considered as one of the important elements in a network for ease of access to the network.
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The responsive design, User Management and User Permission features provided by the Web Project Builder, make user authentication easy and secure.
It provides features like User Type Management, Email Templates for forgot password, custom CRUD and SMTP email. Web Project Builder gives you the power to design effective designs and user management system easily, without any need for knowledge in programming, all free of cost.